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Let's talk about Cuts of Goat Meat...
Information you need before buying goat meat

Live goat weight is not all edible 

Bone-in cut yield 70 to 
85% of carcass 

Boneless yield 40 to 
60% of carcass 

Cooler shrinkage 3 to 
10% (avg 5%)

33.5 lbs  X 5% = 1.7 lbs

Dressing percentages 
45 to 55% (avg 48%)

Dressing % is the carcass 
weight divided by the live 
weight times 100

Example:  70 lb live goat 
will yield about a 33.5 lbs of edible meat
Our Goat Meat is 100% Natural pasture raised, grain fed. Healthiest red meat you can get!
TIP: When cooking goat meat, it is always best to cook on low heat and slow (due to it's lean content)...so as not to dry it out.